Nigerian Corn Fortified Food Access

Now you can better understand who is and is not being reached with critical micronutrients from large-scale food fortification.

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    Nigerian Fortified Food Access Dashboard

    Funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    This interactive dashboard is designed to help decision-makers improve micronutrient uptake at a geographic level. Nigeria is the first country where Fraym’s data is available to identify critical local patterns often masked by national and regional datasets.

    Explore Food Vehicle Reach Details

    This page allows users to interact with food vehicle reach by geographic area (zone and state) and break down where households acquired the food vehicle, which brands the households last used, and the most common types of food vehicle used.

    Compare the Reach and Fortifiable Coverage of Food Vehicles

    This page allows users to compare reach and fortifiable coverage by geographic area, food vehicle, or both.

    Identify Key Drivers of Fortifiable Coverage

    This page allows users to identify how fortifiable coverage interacts with access. Users can interact with fortifiable coverage (of those reached) at the zone, state, and local government area (LGA) level and assess how indicators of access may be driving differences in coverage for households that consume each of the food vehicles.

    Nigeria Fortified Food Access Dashboard
