Mapping Health Attitudes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

WASHINGTON, JULY 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Researchers from Fraym and Johnson & Johnson co-wrote an article detailing their groundbreaking collaboration that used machine learning to predict why people were hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
At the onset of the pandemic, teams working to distribute vaccines had virtually no data regarding the determinants of vaccine hesitancy. When data was available, it was often aggregated at the national level which masked critical local differences. This missing information was essential for public health stakeholders to tailor their interventions and increase vaccine uptake. For two-years, Fraym and J&J worked together to close this data gap in 10 countries.
The BMC Proceedings article details the methods used to understand vaccine hesitancy in low- and middle-income countries. The findings demonstrate that:
a) household survey data on vaccine attitudes can be used to measure determinants of vaccine hesitancy down to the community level
b) the drivers and barriers of COVID-19 vaccine uptake have large spatial variations that cannot be captured through national surveys alone
Ben Leo, Fraym’s CEO, says, “The implications of this new approach to mapping attitudes and behaviors are massive for global health and beyond. Fraym‘s mission to Map Humanity focuses on accelerating systemic progress by allowing changemakers to target messages and resources for specific groups anywhere in the world—and this is a giant step forward.”
Fraym data lets customers and partners zoom-in on any community across the globe and know the people’s attributes, attitudes, and behaviors. The company’s FUSEfraym™ software automates intensive machine learning processes that turn ordinary household surveys into census-like spatial data across entire countries. With Fraym data, and it’s easy to use dashboards, customers select indicators relevant to their area of interest, create custom profiles, and analyze their target audience anywhere in the world.
Rachael Mandell
Director of Marketing & Communications at Fraym
[email protected]